Light Is For Everyone...

Village of Armenia, May 2013

Life Changes in Armenia Village

420 school age children are now safe from burns while trying to study by kerosene lamps in their homes. Thousands of people are breathing cleaner air, and the quality of a Village has improved.


Over 190 families in the Village of Armenia received safe solar Waka Waka lights thanks to the generous donations made through the 1% Club and distribution by the Grid Earth Project.


The villagers of Armenia were filled with joy and excited on the day of the distribution.

Every family had at least one representative present to receive the light for their household, and every household received a solar light.

Armenia is a village that is largely inhabited by people who fled the civil unrest in Guatemala during the early 1980's. Primarily a farming village, Armenians are warm and wonderful people, hard working people.

The smiles were contagious as the mothers received their lights, knowing that their children would no longer be forced to study by hot and flammable kerosene lamps.

The distribution moved quickly as each family had the opportunity to come forward and receive their light. Many had words of thanks for those responsible for funding this life changing project.

Respiratory Illness is the number one cause of death in children under the age of 5 in these remote areas. Nearly 1000 people die every day because of kerosene being used for household lighting. From now on, people of the Village of Armenia will not be among those statistics.


It is impossible to know which of the recipients were saved the pain of injury or life threatening burns and respiratory illness, but more then 3000 people in Armenia need not worry about these this most basic tool, light.


What a joyful day in the Village of Armenia. There were many smiles and many tears as each family received their lights.A mother pleased to accept the solar light for her household commented that, "This night would mark the beginning of a permanent improvement in the quality of life in Armenia." Kerosene costs her family about $12 and will no longer be necessary to light their homes. That money will be used for food, clothing, school, medical care, and other items desperately needed to improve the quality her family's life.


Every child has a right to a safe source of light in their home. This little girl will now have that light.

This is one of the school children of Armenia. Behind her you can see her mother is who is expecting a little brother or sister. This child will never have to breath the toxic fumes of a kerosene lamp in their home. This is something to celebrate!


Many of the villagers from Armenia waited until the end of the distribution to pose for a group photo and express their heart felt thanks to those who made this day possible.


Audrey Cochran of the Grid Earth Project and Vice Chairman Arnolda Garcia introduced the project, explained the proper use of the solar lights, discussed ways to use the savings to permanently improve the economic quality of life of the Villagers of Armenia.


No child in Armenia Village will risk their life in order to complete their homework. No mother will leave an open flame near their baby's' bed so they can watch over them as they sleep. Life has permanently changed for the Village of Armenia.


The following morning the Village Chairman contacted the Grid Earth Project team to report how very happy he and his village were with their new lights.  He was thrilled with amount of light they put off and the fact that they created no heat.


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